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Il Bacucco

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Linfornata di calcioni...If guests wish to taste dishes strictly based on local tradition, Mariano and Quartina will be glad to provide them with the wholesome fruits of the earth and cook them as they used to in the past.

Among the main specialities, we can mention homebaked bread, tagliatelle, gnocchi (small potatoe dumplings), ‘polenta’ (thick maize porridge served with cheese or meat) and vincisgrassi (a rich baked lasagna without the usual tomatoes) cooked just like grandma used to.

I calcioni pronti per linfornata...The first courses will be followed by various kinds of homemade cold meats and salami, as well as by vegetables and fruits of the garden.

All dishes will be savoured with the best “Verdicchio” wines of the Marches.


Provided on request only


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