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Il Bacucco

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Montecarotto, Sante Petrolati email Autore URL Autore
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MontecarottoMontecarotto Montecarotto is known above all for the excellence of its wines.

Among these, the “Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi” is certainly the most renowned, though all wines have won various international wine awards.

Montecarotto is a typical village of the Marches founded in the year thousands.

You can enjoy the magic atmosphere of this small town wandering along its medieval streets amidst some of the most uncontaminated countryside.

Yet, it is only 30 km from the velvet beaches of Senigallia and 35 km from the rocky coast of Conero Riviera.

The hilly area of Montecarotto stretches from the sea up to the peaks of the Appennines.

Its borders mark the beginning of the Gola della Rossa Natural Park.


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Galleria Fotografica

2005-06-05 059
Album: Agriturismo "Il Bacucco"
Album Fotografici
Settembre 2024
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