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Il Bacucco

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The region’s countryside, Sante Petrolati E-Mail do autor URL do autor
.: Data de Publicação 27-Mar-2006 :: Leituras: 11152 :: Imprimir página actual :: Imprimir tudo:.


In the area, vines, sunflowers, olive trees and wheat are the main cultivations.

The countryside is divided up into many plots of land where farmers ensure and carry on the old traditions.

Towards the East, the hills flatten out gradually into the beautiful beaches of Senigallia and Conero.

Towards the West, the Appennine slopes take to the fascinating landscapes of Monti Sibillini National Park and of the “Gola della Rossa” Park.

A quiet atmosphere together with the colours and scents of this land will provide an enchanting setting for a memorable journey in contact with nature.

We look forward to seeing you here!   


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